If your childhood shapes who you are as an adult, then it’s really no wonder we’re all perverts after having these lovely ladies splashed over our TVs when we were kids.
Here are 5 sexy stars you’ll no doubt remember from your younger years – but do they still look as attractive now?
Kelly Kapowski

Saved By The Bell‘s Kelly Kapowski left us oddly jealous of Zack Morris back in the early 90s, and now that we’re all grown up we understand why: Kelly Kapowski was a fox. Even though actress Tiffani Thiessen was just 15 when she first began portraying Bayside High School’s head cheerleader, instantly turning this whole paragraph into something that may later reflect negatively on me when asked about it in court, Tiffani continued with the role until ’93, making her 19 and therefore a perfectly viable subject for my thoroughly wholesome fantasies.

Now starring in US crime drama White Collar, time has clearly been kind to Tiffani. Although she no longer sports the big hair and tight denim jeans we all loved her for, at least there’s no chance of us going to jail for admitting we fancy her now.
Ginger Spice

Geri Halliwell a.k.a. Ginger Spice fought for girl power wearing a Union Jack dress that failed to cover her knickers, but even though her faux-feminist message failed to inspire female fans into doing anything beyond dancing around in their living rooms wearing red wigs, she certainly made a lasting impression with male admirers.

Arguably looking better than she did in her Spice Girls heyday, Geri Halliwell is now looking so good that Russell Brand’s penis has deemed her a worthy successor to Katy Perry.
Sabrina the Teenage Witch

Although not geared towards a male audience, Sabrina the Teenage Witch appealed to many of us when we were but pubescent boys, largely on account of the downright adorable Melissa Joan Hart. That, and it had a talking cat in it.

Melissa Joan Hart has had two kids with a third one on the way, and yet still looks the same as she did when she was letting that creepy kid with a ladder climb through her bedroom window on Clarissa Explains It All. This could only mean one thing; Melissa Joan Hart really is a witch, and she has been using an immortality spell to ensure she forever has the skin of a 20-year-old. We know your dirty little secret now, Melissa!
Kimberly Hart (Pink Power Ranger)

Kimberly Hart from Mighty Morphin’ Power Rangers kept us distracted from the mundane narrative and silly special effects of the show, luring us in with her kick-arse ninja skills and eye-blisteringly bright wardrobe. Hart, played by Amy Jo Johnson, was every young lad’s dream: hot, older, and way out of our league.

Starring in Canadian police drama Flashpoint, Amy Jo Johnson may have swapped that fetching pink bike helmet for a bulletproof vest, but she still looks like she could kung-fu kick our heartstrings.

This may say more about the show than Danielle Fishel’s attractiveness, but I can’t remember anything about Boy Meets World aside from Topanga. Despite having a name that wouldn’t look out of place between oregano and coriander on a spice rack, Topanga thrust many a lad into puberty as they watched her, ahem, develop from series to series.

The same Cheshire cat smile, the same oversized Japanese anime eyes; yep, it’s Topanga, err, I mean, Danielle alright.
Photos: WENN.com