Deftones Bassist Chi Cheng Emerging From Coma?

Deftones bassist Chi Cheng, who has been in a coma since a tragic accident in Santa Barbara in late 2008, is beginning to show hopeful signs of improvement after spending the last three and a half years in an unconscious state, according to reports.
Chi can now move his leg when instructed and vocalize through basic sounds, as well as responding to basic commands.
The 60mph crash which Cheng was involved in left him battered and in critical condition, requiring intensive, life-threatening surgery. His family’s insurance company cut off coverage early in treatment, leaving them with little recourse to cover mounting medical costs. In addition to various benefit shows and massive showings of support from friends and fans around the world, a website has been setup – OneLoveForChi  – so well-wishers can check on his progress and donate to his recovery.
We’ll keep you posted as more news on Chi develops. Needless to say, we’re on pins and needles with excitement.
You can watch a video of Cheng’s progress in hospital below:

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