Superheroes are an interesting breed. Although most high-profile superheroes are celebrities, many of them are also total loners. This mich is true for Robert Pattinson’s version of Batman, who is very much a sad boi. While several superheroes are characterized by this trait, the release of The Batman this week has forced us to re-examine which ones are the biggest loners. From the lone wolves and tortured personalities to the sole survivors and ones who just want to be left alone, here are the superheroes who are the biggest loners.
Cover Photo: Warner Bros.
Ranked! Which Superheroes Are the Biggest Loners?
10. Deadpool
While most people think that Deadpool is cool, the truth is that he is more like a loser who thinks he is funny. As a talented assassin and mercenary, he also happens to be prone to psychosis and mental instability due to his healing factor. Even though this psychosis is the reason why Wade Wilson can be such an unpredictable opponent, it’s also the reason why he’s such a big loser. When you really think about it, all of Deadpool’s “friends” are people who don’t consider him one. If that’s not the quality of a loner, it’s hard to say what is.
9. Peacemaker
Peacemaker is usually part of a larger team, but he also happens to be one of the saddest DC characters in recent memory. Although he carries a false sense of confidence and bravado, Peacemaker is actually kind of a pussy. This is more of a compliment than anything else, but it also means that Chris is a total loner. When you best friend is a pet eagle and your own father tries to murder you, there’s not much more evidence that you need.
8. Gambit
As the only character on this list to be married multiple times, Gambit is arguably the coolest character on this list. But just because his nickname is the Ragin’ Cajun doesn’t mean that he also isn’t a loser. He’s in love with a woman who he can never touch, he is a fundamentally damaged person who also happens to have insane kinetic abilities. Nevertheless, he is ultimately a lovable loser with redeeming qualities, which is why he probably isn’t higher on this list.
7. Zack Snyder's Superman
While Superman is undoubtedly the most popular superhero in terms of worldwide public perception, Zack Snyder traded the hope and optimism of the character for an interpretation that is unnecessarily solitary and melancholy. So much so, that only Robert Pattinson’s Bruce Wayne can equal Cavill’s version in terms of who is the bigger loser within the DC Cinematic Universe. Although it’s true that Snyder’s version of Superman has certain redeeming qualities, he also remains a pretty big loaner within the context of his comic book counterpart.
6. Martian Manhunter
As another alien character who is essentially marooned on earth, J’onn J’onzz is a loser mostly because he is a fish out of water. Although he is indeed a founding member of the Justice League, Martian Manhunter is also a loaner because he is also kind of a weirdo. Aside from the fact that his features are anatomically unnatural (his brain is apparently in his stomach?), his ability to shape shift means that it pretty hard for him to make any real connections with people.
5. Rorschach
Rorschach’s superpower might be that he is certifiably insane, which also happen so be the reason why he is such a loner. With the exception of Nite Owl, Rorschach has no friends, he has no life, and everyone who knows him thinks he is a creepy nut-job. Despite being arguably the most solitary character on this list, the fact that he relies so heavily on others makes him less of a loner than some of the others on this list.
4. Moon Knight
Much like Rorschach, Moon Knight is pretty much just an insane person moonlighting as a superhero. As Marvel’s version of Batman, Moon Knight is essentially an independent operator who also happens to have a multiple personality disorder. While Moon Knight has been known to team up with other superheroes from time to time, he’s too much of a recluse to not be labeled as a pretty major loner.
3. Silver Surfer
For a guy who roams the universe searching for planets that Galactus can consume, Norrin Radd doesn’t have many friends. He’s a solitary character who is eventually exiled to earth, meaning that he’s pretty much regulated to being an outcast for the rest of his existence. Take into account his appearance as a humanoid alien with metallic skin, and it’s easy to see why Silver Surfer is such a loner.
2. Swamp Thing
Much like Ben Grimm, the main reason why Swamp Thing falls into the category of superheroes that are losers is simply because of his looks. As a humanoid/plant elemental creature, Swamp Thing pretty much eschews human interaction with anyone besides his spouse, Abby Arcane. Considering his focus on protecting the environment, an anthropomorphic vegetable creature should pretty much expect a lonely existence.
1. The Punisher
The Punisher the true definition of a loaner. He prefers to work alone, often actively avoiding interaction with other people. In fact, Frank Castle is one of the rare anti heroes who most superheroes prefer not to work with if possible. While Castle has indeed forged some unlikely friendships over the years, his “one-man army” mentality makes him a tough personality to befriend. As such, he is pretty much the poster child for superheroes who are loaners.