
Ranked! Our Favorite Celebrity Photoshop Fails

If celebrity photos are to be believed, the rich and famous can do no wrong. Celebs appear to be impossibly beautiful, thin, bright-eyed, and bushy-tailed. OK, maybe not bushy-tailed. But before you go beating yourself up for your own average looks, let us remind you that most images you see of celebrities are altered, sometimes heavily.

How do we know? Because every once in a while (and even more often with the popularity of Instagram), celebs or photo editors get a little too gung-ho with Photoshop, FaceTune, or other tools and make huge, obvious mistakes along the way.

In honor of these not-so-photogenic fuck-ups, we ranked our favorite celebrity photoshop fails. Scroll down, laugh your ass off, and maybe learn how not to tweak your own selfies so much that they become unrecognizable.

Cover Photo: Instsagram

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