Santa Clause Series Coming to Disney+ With ‘Last Man Standing’ Team; Alt-Right Santa Is Coming To Town!

The Santa Clause franchise is one that simply refuses to die. We use the word “franchise” lightly, as it consists of one-hit theatrical film and two direct-to-DVD sequels. Now, Disney+ has announced that they are once again reviving the franchise with a limited sequel series. Tim Allen is set to reprise his role win the only franchise he has left. The team behind Last Man Standing is producing, so you know what that means – alt-right Santa is coming to town!

In a recent attempt to monopolize most of their beloved properties, Disney+ is indeed returning to the well once again. According to Deadline Hollywood, the series follows Scott Calvin as he is on the “brink of this 65th birthday. Realizing that he can’t be Santa forever, he sets out to find a suitable replacement while prepping his family for a new adventure in life south of the pole.” This will be the fourth time that Allen will inhabit the role of Santa. It’s just that this time, we’re rooting for Allen to fall off the roof himself.

There’s no doubt that Tim Allen was iconic in the original Santa Clause. He was at the height of his Home Alone powers in 1994, but the franchise feels antiquated by this point. While Santa Clause 2 has its charms, the threequel remains a black mark on holiday move everywhere. Simply put, the series has run its course.

While the success of Last Man Standing remains a mystery (6 seasons, really?!?), the existence of this franchise is baffling. Unless the new show somehow proves a valid reason for its existence (other than being a cash-grab), this may very well be the death knell of this would-be franchise. Nevertheless, we’ll have to wait and see how this turns out. The future is bleak.

Cover Photo: Disney/20th Century Studios

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