The comedy world (and the world in general) was shocked and dismayed when Robin Williams took his own life back in 2014. The comedy legend and star of ‘Mrs. Doubtfire,’ ‘Good Will Hunting,’ ‘Jumanji’ and many more films and TV shows left us way too soon. While the world will never fully heal from this loss, we can take a little bit of solace that other actors have taken it upon themselves to take up the mantle. This includes many of our favorite comedic actors who have taken a turn at the dramatic as well as younger, lesser-known performers trying to make a name for themselves with epic work.
One lesser-known actor named Jamie Costa is not only picking up where Williams left off, he’s literally channeling the late actor with one of the greatest acting performances the world has ever seen. This isn’t the first time we’ve seen someone portray a living or dead celebrity we all know and love, but it’s the first time the performance was so good we felt like we were seeing the actual celebrity on screen.
What we’re talking about is the five-minute short that hit YouTube last week starring Costa as Robin Williams. It’s simply called “ROBIN Test Footage Scene,” but it’s so much more than that. The scene is Costa as Williams as he sits in his makeup trailer on the set of ‘Mork & Mindy’ as he’s told by Pam Dawber (portrayed by Sarah Murphree) about the death of John Belushi.
Even though the whole scene is only five minutes long, it’s so heartfelt, sad, and genuine that viewers are now calling for a feature-length movie about the life and career of Robin Williams. We can only hope someone hears them and decides to make it.
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