Ranked! The 8 Worst NFL Team Names

Photo: Bryan Bennett (Getty Images)

It’s fall and you know what that means. In some parts of the country, the leaves are beginning to change color before slowly falling to the ground only to be ignored until the last possible moment and then begrudgingly raked into piles. The weather is getting cooler, and a light jacket or sweatshirt is a necessity on most evenings. The days are growing uncomfortably shorter. Lastly, football is back. The NFL and college football seasons began a few weeks ago.

To celebrate the return of football (specifically the NFL), we decided that the time was right to finally get something off of our proverbial chests. There are a lot of NFL team names that are either terrible or literally make no sense. Below, you’ll find eight team names and mascots that leave us scratching our heads from September until well after Super Bowl weekend.


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