
‘Sandlot’ Star Recreates Black Eye Baseball Scene With Son (And It’s a Real Home Run)

Baseball can be a dangerous game. Even if you’ve never been injured playing the sport yourself, surely you’ve seen that scene in the classic coming-of-age comedy The Sandlot where catcher Scott Smalls (played by Tom Guiry) gets a shiner after a game of catch with his stepdad (Dennis Leary) goes awry.

That’s why another star from the film – the red-headed, freckled Patrick Renna know for his role as Ham Porter – knew exactly what to do when his 4-year-old son got his first black eye participating in America’s favorite pastime. He shared a recreation of the hilarious scene from the film on TikTok.

“So Smalls (aka my 4-year-old son Flynn) got his first black eye playing baseball,” Renna says in the video. “And I knew exactly what to do…”

Then he slaps a huge steak on his kid’s eye, just like Smalls’ stepdad did to Smalls in the movie.

“If you know, you know,” Renna says in the TikTok.

Oh, we know. How could we forget? You’re killin’ me, Smalls!

Cover Photo: 20th Century Fox