2020 probably isn’t the year of make-up, fancy dress, bobbing for apples, and questionable decisions—COVID-19 has pretty much put a kibosh to dark and sweaty ragers. That’s okay, some of us enjoy Halloween episodes of TV shows more than going out or handing out candy to trick-or-treaters anyway (that’s right fellow citizens, our lights are off every year for a reason). No muss, no fuss, just vicarious living courtesy of a remote and television’s best (and most hilarious) Halloween parties. In case you haven’t realized by now, the best shindigs usually occur on sitcoms. That said, here are 11 TV Halloween parties we’d kill to attend but can’t, so we’re just going to lock the doors, turn the lights down low (…that might be Josh Turner lyric), and imagine we’re there.
Cover Photo: National Broadcasting Company (NBC)
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TV Halloween Parties Kill To Attend
11. Trick-or-Treating With Fez In 'That '70s Show'
In the “Halloween” episode, Fez finds out that trick-or-treating elicits free candy. So, he does what any young man unfamiliar with Western culture would do, he dons the cape, cowl, and takes to the streets. While not a party per se, what could be more fun than trick-or-treating with everyone’s favorite foreign exchange student and watching him berate those who dare to give the man apples instead of sweets?
10. 'Modern Family's Haunted House
In season two, episode six, Claire transforms the Dunphy residence into a haunted house (or at least partially). Her goal is to scare trick-or-treaters with the aesthetic; however, Jay activates the effects late, and Gloria, Alex, and Cameron all crash the vibe with their dysfunction. By the end of the episode, the family perfects the haunted house, and it’s a sight to behold. Who wouldn’t want to hang with the modern family on All Hallows Eve?
9. Halloween at 'The Office'
Every year The Office went all out for Halloween. Whether it be in the warehouse or the office, we’d love to party with the Dunder Mifflin Scranton branch (with or without Michael...preferably with). A party highlight would probably be season seven’s “Costume Contest” when the employees compete for a Scranton-area coupon book (spoiler alert: it’s not worth $15,000). The costumes in that episode are next level (like Jim and Cece dressed as Popeye and Swee-Pea), and we accept the challenge. Or, just that time in season two when Michael had to fire someone on Halloween (what was his name again?), that'd be fun to witness.
8. Jess' Halloween Party From 'New Girl'
In season three, episode six, “Keaton,” Jess throws a Halloween party at the loft. In the history of television, of all the friend groups, Jess, Nick, Schmidt, Winston, and Cece may be the most underrated. Also, the loft is an underrated television domicile. The aforementioned episode is filled with hilarity, including Schmidt believing he’s been pen pals with Michael Keaton his entire life (it was really just Nick), so there’d be plenty going on. Plus, that party looked like a rager—it'd be worth attending just to play True American. How do they have so many friends all of a sudden? They only talk to each other.
7. Violet's Halloween Party From 'It's the Great Pumpkin, Charlie Brown'
The Charlie Brown Halloween special has been a cornerstone of spooky season entertainment for decades. For that reason alone, we’d like to go to Violet’s Halloween party and cuss her out for only inviting Charlie because his bald, round head makes a perfect surface for diagraming jack o’ lantern designs. We felt that.
6. Party at Paddy's Pub From 'It's Always Sunny In Philadelphia'
In season seven, episode six, “Who Got Dee Pregnant?” Dee (you guessed it) reveals that she is pregnant. Therefore the guys in the gang (minus Frank) attempt to recall their last drunk to determine who is the father. Dennis and Mac were supposed to go as Mario and Luigi, instead, Mac goes as Aragorn from The Lord of the Rings. Frank dresses as Spider-Man, Charlie as Phantom of the Opera (thinking he’s a sexy vampire), and Dee dresses as an angel (but really a bird). Among a whirlwind of events and false narratives, it’d be quite an experience to witness the debauchery of Paddy’s Pub.
5. Andy and April's House Party From 'Parks and Recreation'
In season four, episode five, “Meet N Greet,” Ben is rooming with April and Andy, who decide to throw a Halloween party at their house (without telling Ben). Ron Swanson shows up and embarks on a litany of household repairs (along with Ann), Chris grinds with Jerry’s daughter, and Ben breaks Andy’s nose. The only people missing from the Parks Department are Leslie and Tom, but that’s okay because Andy and April’s party feels like home regardless.
4. Monica and Chandler's Costume Party From 'Friends'
In season eight, episode six, “The One with the Halloween Party,” Monica hosts a Halloween party (because she is the hostess with the mostess). Chandler wears a pink bunny suit, Ross dresses up like a potato Sputnik, and Joey calls Ross “doodie” because he doesn’t understand the reference. Other notable fancy costumes: Gunther as Charlie Brown, Phoebe as Supergirl, and Monica as a cat. If there were ever a time to party with the friends who will “be there for you,” it’s on the night Ross and Chandler arm wrestle while dressed in ridiculous outfits.
3. Monster Mash Pumpkin Bash From 'Happy Endings'
In season two, episode five, “Spooky Endings,” the gang attends the big warehouse Monster Mash Pumpkin Bash. Max straps on a baby harness, Alex dresses up as Marilyn Monroe (sporting a raspy voice that leads people to believe she is a drag queen), Dave is really excited to be Austin Powers and Brad and Jane as eggs and bacon. Happy Endings has always been particularly good at holiday episodes, and this hilarious installment, fully equipped with terrifying trick-or-treaters, will make the viewer feel like they’re experiencing it per usual.
2. The Slutty Pumpkin Party From 'How I Met Your Mother'
In season one, episode six, Ted Mosby, no one’s favorite bachelor, turns down an opportunity to spend Halloween with Barney, on a yacht, with Victoria’s Secret models to do what he does every year: wait for the return of the “Slutty Pumpkin.” Four years prior, Ted met another “perfect” girl at the rooftop party of his apartment building, but lost her number. Therefore, in one of How I Met Your Mother’s most famous episodes, he spends a fifth straight year dressed as “hanging chad” to no avail. We'd like to have a beer with Ted (after partying with Barney of course) and tell him he’s an idiot. Years from now, he'll realize the Slutty Pumpkin is just another wet dream—he’s going to sabotage every relationship just to end up with Robin (in one of the worst series finales ever).
1. 'Community's Greendale Halloween Party
In season two, episode six, the Greendale students attend the annual Halloween party. Notable costumes: Jeff as David Beckham and Pierce as Captain James T. Kirk. However, that year, everyone ingests a biohazardous substance courtesy of the Dean’s discount catering. Henceforth, Greendale goes full satirical 28 Days Later. If there were any zombie apocalypse we’d want to be a part of, it’d be Greendale’s Halloween party. Bring on the absurd.