Jim Carrey does not like President Donald Trump; you won’t find the actor/comedian/artist at the shooting range sporting a “Make America Great Again” hat. Carrey is very vocal about his disdain for the man. Carrey is pretty vocal about everything: from calling out the Illuminati on late-night talk shows to telling Emma Stone he wants to have her “chubby little freckle-faced kids” in an unsettling (and public) video, everything the man does metaphorically screams, “Somebody stop me.” However, you have to admire his candor, especially when he’s giving the virtual middle finger to perhaps the most divisive POTUS of all-time. Carrey goes hard in the paint, literally. Using his renowned ability to put brush, pen, pencil, and crayon to canvas, Carrey crafts cartoons. Trump cartoons. That said, we’ve plucked some of his best from Twitter, along with their captions, and compiled them below.
Cover Photo: Kevin Winter (Getty Images)/Jim Carrey (Twitter)
More POTUS: The Donald Trump Guide to Drinking Water Like a Completely Respectable President
More tweets: Twitter’s Funniest Reactions to Donald Trump: Bunker Inspector
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Jim Carrey Trump Cartoon
June 20, 2019 - Are you here to tend the garden or trample it under your feet?
September 3, 2019 - United Sadists of America
September 11, 2019 - Who will be the new National Security Advisor? The Hamburglar?
September 26, 2019 - Yippie-ki-yay-MF!
October 6, 2019 - The Fraudfather
The Fraudfather made Zelensky "an offer he couldn't refuse."
Carrey's Veterans Day post...
"Hope you had a great Veterans' Day! I pray in the future that our soldiers will have a real leader, not a coward or a lying thieving draft dodging pirate with tiny man parts [ALLEGEDLY]! But hey, maybe next year - if justice prevails."
November 21, 2019 - His reign will soon be over. Woe to the loyal subjects of this counterfeit king.
December 4, 2019 - Trump as Captain Ahab.
"Like Captain Ahab, obsessed by a white whale of earthly dominance, Trump beckons all those who enable his madness to their doom. Will we awaken to the truth or ignore our own senses and blindly follow a maniac into abyss? Me? They call me Ishmael!"
December 18, 2019 - The night Donald had a very strange dream.
March 24, 2020 - Trump reassuring Wall Street that he can handle the important tissues.
March 26, 2020 - Trump is willing to risk countless lives to save his economic record. He has fully become the major from 'Jaws.'
April 29, 2020 - Trump's next medical breakthrough: Want COVID out? SHOUT IT OUT!
May 14, 2020 - When America needed masks Fox 'News' gave them blindfolds
May 17, 2020 - Fan of 'The Shining?'
"90,000 in the US, over 40,000 in the UK. Highest death trolls in the COVID world. Half of those deaths...preventable. REDRUM! REDRUM!! REDRUM!!!"
June 25, 2020 - Trump 2020 Reckless Endangerment Tour