Has coronavirus panic hit your hometown yet? As the outbreak continues the spread, countless public places and events across the globe are shutting their doors, which could mean only one thing: It’s time for comfort movies to lull us into distraction and make everything better until this terrible party ends.
While Disney parks are closing and big-time Hollywood films are getting their releases delayed, the rest of humanity is hoarding toilet paper, stockpiling canned food like it’s Y2K and buying face masks like they’re living in an apocalyptic film. Here are 10 common comfort films to watch while waiting out the spread of coronavirus, lest we dwell on the horror that is life at this moment. But then again, it’s the media, so it’s our job to terrify you whenever possible. Stay safe out there.
Cover Photo: CBS Photo Archive / Contributor
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Coronavirus Binge Fest
'Ferris Bueller’s Day Off'
We don’t recommend making your sick day quite as extravagant as Ferris’s, especially since going to museums isn’t recommended right now. However, you can live vicariously through this film’s zany hijinks.
With a major plague threatening the living, who you gonna call? No, not the 2016 Ghostbusters, but the original gang from 1984 New York City, of course.
'D2: The Mighty Ducks 2'
D2: The Mighty Ducks will bring you back to a simpler time when coronavirus was just a hangover on spring break in Tijuana. Keenan Thompson, Joshua Jackson and Elden Henson are just some of the ducklings in this flick that have gone on to conquer Tinseltown as adults.
'The Big Lebowski'
The dude abides. The dude does not panic. Don’t let coronavirus’s aggression stand, and instead watch Jeff Bridges delight as the most chill bowler to ever sail the night sky with a Viking princess.
'Back to the Future'
If only Doc Brown were here today to save us from coronavirus or at least give us a time machine to escape this dying world. The first Back to the Future is the perfect escapist thrill while you're hiding out from the death chills.
'The Royal Tenenbaums'
The Royal Tenenbaums is one of Wes Anderson’s best films and is perfect for a medically mandated movie marathon. After all, when the end nears, it’s good to think about making peace with your family.
'Galaxy Quest'
Laughter is the best medicine, and Galaxy Quest will have you in stitches in a good way. By Grabthar’s hammer, watch this sci-fi comedy and get beamed light-years away from coronavirus.
'The Princess Bride'
If you’re stuck in bed or indoors as civilization begins to crumble, let the Grandpa in The Princess Bride read you a story. It’ll have action, romance and plenty of humor, just like always.
If the swoony eyes of French goddess Audrey Tautou can’t heal you, hopefully you have health insurance. Either way, this 2001 film is a great diversion from the horde of face mask-wearing zombies outside.
'Lilo and Stitch'
Stitch and coronavirus have a lot in common, both being small but terrifying and difficult to contain. As you watch Stitch and his Hawaiian honey bear try to stay ahead of the galactic goons and mean siblings, you’ll forget all about that pesky ol’ coronavirus.