
Christopher Nolan Blows Our Minds in First ‘Tenet’ Trailer (and 10 Other Movies That Explore the Afterlife)

Nearly 10 years ago, filmmaker Christopher Nolan blew the minds of audiences around the world with Inception. A decade after the release of his mind-bending opus, Nolan seems to have another trick up his sleeve with his latest film, Tenet. As with most of the acclaimed director’s movies, the first trailer for Tenet is light on plot and heavy on striking visual imagery. In other words, we know nothing about what exactly this movie is.

Based on the trailer, Tenet also looks to be playing with some sort of time manipulation. However, the first trailer for the film also hints at the afterlife somehow being involved. Is this mention of the afterlife figurative, or to be taken more literally? Your best guess is better than ours at this point. While we wait to discover more of the secrets behind Tenet, here are 10 other movies that explore the subgenre of the afterlife.

Cover Photo: Warner Brothers

This Week in Trailers: Christopher Nolan’s ‘Tenet’ Looks Like Another Mindbender

Afterlife: 12 Things We Didn’t Expect to See in the ‘Ghostbusters: Afterlife’ Trailer

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