Star Wars: The Rise of Skywalker arrives in theaters soon. As the Skywalker saga comes to a close, everyone and their mother is wondering who will make it out of the sequel alive. While the respective fates of our favorite characters are still up in the air, one character has been suspiciously missing from the most recent trilogy: R2-D2. As it turns out, the absence of everyone’s favorite droid is due to the fact that a far more important story has been developing in a galaxy, far, far away with the #R2MeToo movement. Now that R2 is pulling a Ronan Farrow and developing an expose on the most prominent sexual predators throughout the galaxy, here are the Star Wars characters most likely to get #R2MeToo’ ed.
Cover Photo: Lucasfilm
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Star Wars Characters Most Likely To Get #R2MeTooed
Jar Jar Binks
Although Jar Jar seems sweet and innocent, he also has a dark side. He’s probably too clingy for his own good, but as the singular person responsible for the downfall of the Galactic Republic and the rise of the empire, Jar Jar is a first-ballot candidate to get #R2MeToo’ed.
As the creature that enslaved Aikin Skywalker, Watto is a smarmy as they come. One might even say that he’s a prime candidate for the #R2MeToo movement currently sweeping its way throughout the galaxy. Watto hasn’t been seen for a few decades, which means that he’s probably already been ousted by R2, and we simply don’t know it yet.
Darth Maul
Darth Maul is perhaps the most outwardly horny character in the galaxy. This fact alone automatically puts him on R2’s radar. The Dathomirian Sith lord may still be lurking somewhere around the universe. However, his vow of abstinence hasn’t stopped him from terrorizing the people that he comes into contact with. Fortunately, the #R2MeToo movement is hot on his trail.
Sebulba may only play a small part in the larger narrative of the Skywalker saga, but he’s an absolute creeper. Just looking at the guy and it becomes readily apparent that he is only a few sexual assault allegations away from landing in space jail. In the time since, Sebulba’s whereabouts remain undisclosed, no thanks to the hard work of R2.
Ziro the Hutt
While all of the Hutt families are undoubtedly a gang of sluggish sexual predators, Ziro the Hutt is perhaps the weirdest. Even though Ziro wasn’t able to survive the fabled Clone Wars, that won’t stop R2 from besmirching his legacy post-mortem.
General Hux
General Hux is undoubtedly one of the pettiest characters in the galaxy, which makes him a key figure in the #R2MeToo movement. Although Hux has yet to be exposed by R2’s investigation, The Rise of Skywalker gives him a final chance to rid the galaxy of the scum in the First Order.
Orson Krennic
Even though the former director of advanced weapons for the galactic empire is responsible for the dastardly act of overseeing the Death Star, he also happens to be a total weasel. While Krennic was undoubtedly worthy of the #R2MeToo treatment, his timely death has finally allowed everyone’s favorite droid to set the record straight.
Lando Calrissian
Although Lando is one of the most beloved characters in the galaxy, he has a dark history with his fellow droids and the #R2MeToo movement. Lando can not only be a less-than-trustworthy figure, but he’s also a pansexual man who also has a thing for sexually manipulating droids before uploading them into his ship. Time will tell whether Lando makes it out of The Rise of Skywalker alive, but the odds are that R2 might get to him first.
Kylo Ren
Kylo Ren may be one of the more redeemable Star Wars characters, but he also happens to be a giant man-child. While he’s prone to regular temper tantrums, it turns out that Ren is also secretly a sexual harasser who uses his charming good looks to get whatever he wants. Well, R2's gavel of justice is likely to come down on Ren and his followers sometime very soon.
Emperor Palpatine
Out of all the characters in the galaxy, the great Sheev Palpatine is easily the most sinister character to ever grace the screen. He’s the type of person that takes advantage of impressionable young boys just to eradicate the Jedi Order single-handedly. In essence, Palpatine is the Harvey Weinstein of the Star Wars universe. As the figurehead of the #R2MeToo movement, everyone’s favorite droid will get his revenge by the end of The Rise of Skywalker