animated movies

Mandatory Top 10 of the 2010s: The Best Animated Movies of the Decade

It seems strange, but we are only a few weeks away from 2020. We’re sad to see the 2010s go because it was such a good decade for animated movies. From Coco to Isle of Dogs to Spider-Man: Into the Spider-Verse, animation fans were blown away by the breathtaking artistry of this timeless film genre over the past 10 years. We’ve rounded up the best animated movies from the 2010s so you can relive the magic of your favorites or discover a new title to add to your watchlist.

Photo: Sony Pictures

Watch them while you can: Classic 20th Century Fox Movies That Might Get Locked Away in the Disney Vault Forever

The best of the best: RANKED! Our 20 Favorite Animated Movies of the Last 20 Years

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