Kanye West

Kanye West’s New Love For Hooded Robes Spurs Ascension to Emperor of the Galaxy

Toiling in darkness for two years, Kanye West’s secret project (which drops next year) isn’t an album–it’s an actual Death Star. The whole thing first began when West and his team got their hands on the Shroud of Turin and with it, made a birthday hoodie for West imbued with an ancient power. Days later, nosy neighbors tore down his low-income housing prototypes, angering Yeezy, and forcing him over to the dark side. Now, donning his limited-edition Sunday Service “Emperor’s” robe, West hopes to finish building his Death Star in the middle of Los Angeles before local community groups gather enough signatures to shut him down. It’s a race against time, as the rapper seeks to reinvent himself as ruler of the galaxy. Here’s what we know so far.

Photo: Kevorn Djansezian (Getty Images)

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