Eddie Murphy‘s legacy is undebatable. He’s given us all-time greatest comedy classics like 48 Hours, Coming To America, Trading Places, Beverly Hills Cop I and II, Boomerang, Harlem Nights, The Nutty Professor, Life, Bowfinger, Shrek and two of the best stand-up specials in the history of comedy, Eddie Murphy Delirious and Eddie Murphy Raw. And for every (admitted) money-grab flick that Murphy tortured us with after those classics (Norbit, Daddy Daycare, or Holy Man), his comedy checks and balances still weigh heavy towards the cornucopia of comedy gold that he’s produced. Dolemite is My Name will be the cinematic vehicle that brings Murphy back to our comedy neighborhood for good. We’ve put together eight reasons to trust in his comedic legend.
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'Delirious' Is Still The Funniest Stand-Up Special Ever
Long before Netflix saturated the market and dismantled any vetting process for stand-up comedy specials, Eddie Murphy reigned supreme on stage. Inspired by the greatest entertainer of his time, Elvis Presley, and comedy legends like Richard Pryor and Bill Cosby, Murphy donned a shiny red leather suit so bright that your eyes watered if you stared too long -- or maybe those were tears from laughter. If you haven't seen Delirious, cancel everything immediately and watch it tonight. Imagine the funniest joke you've ever heard, and Delirious will be funnier, guaranteed.
'Trading Places' Is Still The Best Movie About The Stock Market
Even after watching this classic Dan Aykroyd and Eddie Murphy comedy hundreds of times, surely you'll still be a bit fuzzy on the economic flux of frozen concentrated orange juice in the '80s and how it somehow was the most important commodity in agriculture. But, you're guaranteed to walk away with an impeccable understanding of PCP, pimping, the prostitution game, Santa Claus hitting rock bottom, and the fact that karate men bruise on the inside. You can't put a price on that kind of education.
'Bowfinger' Is A Sneaky Classic Comedy
Bowfinger is directed by Frank Oz and stars Steve Martin, Eddie Murphy (playing two characters), Heather Graham, Jamie Kennedy, and Robert Downey Jr. This understated, underdog story of a sleezy hack movie producer searching for his one big shot at the big time has a bevy of quotable moments. Eddie Murphy gives a hilarious performance playing a caricature of himself (Kit Ramsey) as well as a nerdy, younger brother version of himself named Jiff Ramsey. It's a perfect tongue-in-cheek commentary on the film industry and also, Scientology.
'Raw' Might Be Even Better Than 'Delirious'
It's a tossup. They're both unbelievable, start to finish. It basically comes down to which leather-bound, skin-tight suit color you prefer. Red or purple?
Any Comedy Scene In A Barbershop Is Stealing From 'Coming To America'
The barbershop scenes are the funniest scenes in the funniest Eddie Murphy film of all time and Murphy plays multiple characters in each scene. He even managed to play an older white man better than most older white men.
Eddie Murphy Is Also A Singer
If you ask an alleged Eddie Murphy fan who Sexual Chocolate is and they don't break into "I believe the children are our future, treat them well and let them lead the way," then they aren't a true Eddie Murphy fan. In real life, Murphy had two solo hit singles in the '80s and had a third with the BusBoys that he performed for the 48 Hours soundtrack. Maybe Dolemite will sing?
Eddie Murphy Paved The Way For Other Comedians
Martin Lawrence, Chris Rock, and Dave Chappelle all credit Eddie Murphy's stand-up comedy and films as inspiration for their own careers. Just like Murphy, Chris Rock got his start on SNL, Martin Lawrence played multiple roles in his Big Momma's House franchise, and Dave Chappelle got his first major role in a film from Murphy in The Nutty Professor. And while we're on the topic, how was there not a Mr. Robinson's Neighborhood movie in the '80s?
Eddie Murphy Is Naturally Funny
Some people just know how to be funny in any situation. Murphy is one of those people, and he excels at making people laugh. There are very few comedians who can withstand the test of time like Murphy has. He's funny regardless of how good or bad the dialogue or story is. Sure, he's made some subpar films, but if we're going to give any comedian another shot, we're rolling the dice on this guy.