Where do social media influencers go when they kick the bucket? Is there an afterlife and if so, are there selfies there? With the recent dangers of influencing making headlines around the world, influencers are now grappling with their own mortality. We rounded up eight of the most influential people (identities protected for contractual reasons) on the ‘Gram and posed this question: whether technological, cultural, or corporeal, what does your Instagram afterlife look like? Then we asked them to give us their ultimate afterlife hashtag. The results are in and they are mindblowing.
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instagram afterlife
Influencer 1: Posing With Objects Found On Side Of Road
“I think there’s going to be a big volcano that knocks out the electromagnetic field. Without electricity I would lose my current platform for expression, but I would find other ways to fulfill my artistry. Like I would find a discarded soap box and make a camera out of it. I have no idea how to make a camera, but that won't stop me from trying.” #unstoppable
Influencer 2: Chillin' With The Big Guy
“I’m pretty sure I have the best 'gram out there. God would definitely want to kick it with me, maybe get some froyo, hit up a cool party with grammable art installations, and whatever else they got up there. And we’d have, like, the best time just hanging out. Just the big guy and me on his couch using selfie apps you can’t even get on earth. It would literally be the best.” #GOD
Influencer 3: Love Is All Around
"Heaven is a place where everyone is wearing a T-shirt with a big red heart on the front so you can just stroll down a cloud and push people you like in the chest." #friends
Influencer 4: First Dibs On The New Thing
“Look, nothing lasts forever, I know that. But when Instagram is gone, there’ll be something else to take its place, and we’ll be there -- all the heavyweights of the industry -- and we’ll get offered premiere spots at the top of the food chain. Look at what happened with Vine. It’s like, when a new kingdom starts, you don’t just get rid of the king, right? Royalty is royalty and that’s the bottom line.” #royalrebirth #longlivetheking
Influencer 5: Super Cute, Forever And Always
“This question is really creepy. You guys are so morbid. Why even think about what comes next? You know, I remember Instagram always being there and I’m pretty sure Instagram will be around forever. Like, when monkeys from outer space find us way in the future, the first thing they’re going to see is one of my classic, super cute pics and there will be peace.” #namaste
Influencer 6: Spinning Circle Of Doom
I imagine the afterlife is some horribly boring purgatory where you’re just waiting for your Wi-Fi connection to load for, like, infinity. But it never does. So you just keep taking pictures of stuff and swapping between filters so you have all these really epic shots. And just when you think you’ve got service and are about to post, it just freezes up and you have to start all over. That’s why I post 24 times a day, once every hour. I’m all about doing it while I can because you never know when it’s going to end.” #YOLO
Influencer 7: Tongues Out All The Time
"Physically, mentally, spiritually, there is nothing more amazing than having your tongue out. Having your tongue out is the best, and also it feels so good. You can totally taste the air, the wind, the earth, everything! You can taste life. It's magical. Wait, what was the question again?" #mytongue
Influencer 8: All of God's Creatures
"The afterlife is an endless zoo full of all of God's creatures. Except camels. I hope there are no camels there." #nocamels