The most unfortunate thing about social media, other than the overall decline of society, is how it makes us feel about ourselves. When we could embrace a more accepting and inclusive attitude, we’re out here judging ourselves. Fear not, fellow human, for the time has come to use social media to actually feel better about ourselves. Thanks to a few brave souls pressing “post” on social, we can finally accept our bodies are pretty great…in comparison. If you’re feeling any anxiety about your summer body, these body-positive trailblazers did it all before you.
Cover Photo: Tim Tadder (Getty Images)
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What’s your worst summer body fail? Does it compare to these brilliant masters of human consciousness? Let us know in the comments!
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Beach Body Fails
Perfect Body Fail
You don't have to have a bad body for it to fail when you need it most.
Human Crotch Rocket
At least your imperfect body can manage using a pool slide.
Get It, Granny
Every belly flop is a perfect fail.
Dip 'n' Dive
One of the greatest fails of all is overestimating what your body is capable of. Especially when you've been vacation drinking mai tais since 9 a.m.
Fails Of The Dad Bod
Having a dad bod doesn't make something funny, but it doesn't hurt either.
The Summer Fail Of Fails
Feeling cute, might delete later...because I tipped over and almost drowned on my first day of vacation. LOL.
The Reach-Around Fail
This jerky genius couldn't quite keep it together after tossing his friend in the pool. Don't be like him. If you're going to be an asshole, be a nimble one.
Know Your Limits
One of the greatest causes of summer body fails is overestimating your body's capabilities like this idiot.
Ego Fail
Anyone can wear a speedo if they're brave enough.
Ass Flash Fail
Some bodies just don't want to be hidden.