Photo: C Flanigan / Contributor (Getty Images)
For musicians, what they can do onstage is a huge part of the job. You’re expected to get up in front of a bunch of strangers and perform. Everyone goes to a concert hoping for a good show, with lots of enthusiasm. We all want something memorable.
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Artists often pour their heart outs out on a nightly basis, so it’s no wonder sometimes the energy (or drugs) get a bit much and something insane happens.
Here are seven crazy moments that happened on stage. Hopefully, we never have to see any of them again.
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7 Crazy Stage Antics
Lady Gaga Gets Doused
Never one to let a good shock moment go by the wayside, Gaga had someone puke green slime on her during her SXSW performance in 2014. The singer later got in hot water after it was viewed as glorifying bulimia but the original hot water spewing from the woman's face seemed much worse.
GG Allin Has A Snack
One of the OG punk rockers, GG Allin, didn't have much off-limits during shows. He would frequently urinate on whatever poor audience came to see him, in addition to shoving the microphone up his ass. But what landed him on this list is that he would sometimes take laxatives before the show in order to defecate on stage, which he would then eat. Commitment or committable?
Keith Moon Almost Kills His Band
The Who guitarist Keith Moon took it to 11 at the end of one show in 1967. Known for smashing their instruments at the end of their raucous sets (devil horns), Keith decided to take things to the next level. The drummer packed explosives in his drum set, and set them off for a grand finale. The act surprised the hell out of the rest of the band, who he hadn't told, and has been blamed for Pete Townshend going almost completely deaf.
Miley Cyrus Loves Dolls
Back when she was still trying to make the switch from Hannah Montana to Miley, the singer decided she needed some company on stage. She proceeded to dance (and do other things) with a male blowup doll. There's no word why the two broke up afterwords.
Milli Vanilli Karoake
A duo in the early '90s that found out the hard way how finicky technology can be. Milli Vanilli were performing on MTV (in its music channel days) when their backing track got stuck in a loop. Suddenly, the entire world could see the group didn't actually sing. Just like the rest of us, to live their musician fantasies Milli Vanilli turned the music up loud and mouthed the words. You kind of have to feel for the two.
Ozzy Osbourne Goes Batty
This one probably needs no introduction. One night in Iowa, of all places, the Prince of Darkness got a dead bat tossed onto the stage. Instead of doing the normal thing of covering it with a bucket until someone could come scoop it up, the Black Sabbath singer grabbed the thing and ripped its head off. With his teeth. He didn't make it a habit, so the bat must not have been that delicious.
RIP Dimebag
In a completely different vein as most of the other entries in this list, we lost Pantera guitarist Dimebag Darrell when a deranged fan stormed the stage and shot him and three others in 2004. Nothing really funny to add on this one, so put on "Walk" or "Cemetary Gates" and pour one out for this shredder.