Ben Stiller Had Prostate Cancer

Ben Stiller was diagnosed with prostate cancer two years ago and didn’t tell anybody until now. Not the October surprise many were hoping for I don’t think.

I got diagnosed with prostate cancer Friday, June 13th, 2014. On September 17th of that year I got a test back telling me I was cancer free. The three months in between were a crazy roller coaster ride with which about 180,000 men a year in America can identify. Right after I got the news, still trying to process the key words echoing dimly in my head (probability of survival–vival-vival-val…” “incontinence-nence-nence-ence…), I promptly got on my computer and Googled “Men who had prostate cancer.” I had no idea what to do and needed to see some proof this was not the end of the world.

In the rest of his online essay, he says the PSA test saved his life.

Taking the PSA test saved my life. Literally. That’s why I am writing this now. There has been a lot of controversy over the test in the last few years. Articles and op-eds on whether it is safe, studies that seem to be interpreted in many different ways, and debates about whether men should take it all. I am not offering a scientific point of view here, just a personal one, based on my experience.

He then spends a lot of time shilling for Big PSA, but I’m not understanding how this benefits Trump or Clinton. What is Stiller’s agenda here?