‘Star Wars: The Force Awakens’ Has Already Made $100M

Like we talked about yesterday, Star Wars: The Force Awakens is projected to make $210M by Monday morning. It’s already halfway there.

Year-end holiday advance ticket sales for J.J. Abrams’ Star Wars: The Force Awakens have crossed $100 million in North America, an unheard-of number, sources tell The Hollywood Reporter. …The previous record-holder for advance ticket sales was The Dark Knight Rises in 2012 with $25 million. Sources say Force Awakens sales could even be north of $120 million. On Tuesday, online ticketing service Fandango reported that Force Awakens has become the company’s top-selling title in the company’s 15-year history in terms of advance ticket sales, outpacing such record-setters as Avengers: Age of Ultron and this summer’s Jurassic World, which debuted to a historic $208.8 million domestically.

Some dude in Indonesia has already tried to sell some Star Wars leaked footage of the “OMG moment in the flick” to TMZ. Who says Muslims don’t like capitalism? We’ll probably never find out who this guy is since Disney already dropped him in one of those volcanoes over there that I just learned about by reading about Indonesia on Wikipedia. Did you know their most popular sport is badminton? Pretty interesting stuff!

Oscar Isaac covering Bill Murray’s Star Wars theme will play you out.