Michael Douglas Thinks American Actors Are Too “Asexual”


“In the U.S., we have this relatively asexual or unisex area with sensitive young men and we don’t have many Channing Tatums or Chris Pratts, while the Aussies do,” he told the Independent. “It’s a phenomena.” Douglas said U.S. actors are too obsessed with social media, which causes them to focus more on their public image than on honing their craft. “There’s something going on with young American actors — both men and women — because the Brits and Australians are taking many of the best American roles from them,” he said. “Clearly, it breaks down on two fronts. In Britain, they take their training seriously, while in the States, we’re going through a sort of social-media image-conscious thing rather than formal training. Many actors are getting caught up in this image thing, which is going on to affect their range.”

Let’s forget for a moment that he said this while promoting a movie called Ant-Man, and just say that American actors aren’t asexual, most of them just can’t act. I mean, unless you count the Duggars.