Kanye West Won’t Be Charged With Anything For Attacking A Photographer


“Dear heavenly father, me. Please use your power to touch the Los Angeles DA heart and make them care about black people. In Yeezus name.”


Last week, Kanye West was in pictures and video attacking a photographer and trying to steal his camera, but the Los Angeles DA isn’t pressing charges because Kanye has the financial means to pay a large fine. So, you probably already know this, but if you want to stay out of jail, make sure you’re really rich.  TMZ reports:

LAPD robbery detectives are investigating the photog’s allegation that Kanye tried to steal his camera — but our sources say that dog won’t hunt.  The D.A. will NEVER charge Kanye with felony attempted robbery, because there’s no proof he tried to pilfer the camera at LAX. We’re told cops will send the attempted robbery file to the D.A. and they expect it will be rejected within days. The next step — the file goes to the L.A. City Attorney for a possible misdemeanor criminal battery prosecution.   But here’s why that won’t happen.  We’re told Kanye is willing to ante up some cash to make the case go away, and it’s perfectly legal.  It’s called a civil compromise and it’s done everyday.

People who want justice to be served, have no fear. George Zimmerman still has his flashlight. He still has his Bat-SUV. He still has “911” listed as favorite in his phone. Wait, nevermind. He doesn’t have his gun anymore, so he’ll probably just stay home. He’ll be peeking through his blinds though. Criminals, you have been warned.