Malawi Hates Madonna

After pledging $15 million to build a school for underprivileged girls in Malawi, Madonna has yet to pay up or break ground. Gee, all this after they expedited her adoptions? The Guardian reports:

It was here in the village of Chinkhota in southern Malawi that the pop superstar broke ground for the construction of a prestigious academy for underprivileged girls. Billed as a “gift” to the African country from which she has adopted two children, the $15m (£9.37m) institution was to take in 500 girls and prepare them to be “future women leaders”.

Now local elders have accused Madonna of letting them down, and the Malawi government has been forced to admit it does not know what her plans are, after she announced that the academy had been scrapped.

Madonna stated that she would instead focus on building secondary schools across the country, rather than one school, but officials in Malawi have been left scratching their heads as to what this will entail. “I want to reach thousands, not hundreds of girls,” she said in a statement this month. “I want to do more and I want to do it better.”

The news has come as a bombshell to villagers who surrendered their ancestral land to make way for the school. The Malawian government said it had not been consulted and will now summon the 52-year-old singer to explain herself.

So far, Madonna’s schools have taught Malawi girls about seizure of property and not to trust whitey. At this rate when they finally get pencils, they’ll learn how to sharecrop and the benefits of enacting a new three-fifths compromise. That’s if this isn’t just a trap for more virgin blood. C’mon, a bitch has to bathe.