- Bobby Brown got arrested again [Dlisted]
- Gwen Stefani thinks her fans are weird [Hollywood Rag]
- Natalie Portman is pretty [Egotastic]
- Will Ferrell‘s Oscar song [College Humor]
- What’s happening to Rose McGowan? [Hollywood Tuna]
- John Travolta‘s Oscar rug [City Rag]
- Helen Mirren: “I didn’t wear underwear!” [Just Jared]
- James Blunt ran over someone [ASL]
- Self-enamored Sharon Stone not ready to self-mock [Popsugar]
- Straight Outta Washoe (Reno 911) [Pajiba]
- Antonella Barba gets slutty at the WWII memorial [Drunken Stepfather]
- Kelly Brook: Girls of FHM 2007 [the bastardly]