- Kelly Brook in a bikini [Hollywood Tuna]
- Britney Spears should go to rehab [Hollywood Rag]
- Janet Jackson hides her nipples [Egotastic]
- Maddox Jolie Pitt puckers up [Just Jared]
- Jennifer Aniston gets another nose job [Popsugar]
- Justin Timberlake acts like he knows [City Rag]
- Britney Spears‘ new boyfriend is creepy [Dlisted]
- Dakota Fanning‘s rape scene reactions [A Socialite’s Life]
- “Live Blogging” The Naked Mile [Pajiba]
- Save Ferris [College Humor]
- Paris Hilton flashes her panties again [Drunken Stepfather]
- Americans Say the Stupidest Things [Best Week Ever]