Debra Lafave Had Sex With Nick Carter, Too

Backstreet Boy, Nick Carter, paid a visit to the Howard Stern show and told Howard he lost his virginity to Debra Lafave. Debra Lafave, the hot, blonde schoolteacher who had sex with her 13 year old student, thus branding him “The Luckiest Kid Ever” for the rest of his life. Carter and Lafave dated for a while when they were classmates, but Nick broke up with Debra when he found out she cheated on him with a girl. About Debra’s performance in bed, Nick said:

She was probably my number one. But maybe that’s just because it was my first. Actually a lot of the girls I’ve had the best sex with or best anything with have been just normal girls.”

Yeah, see, I’m a little hung up on that “broke up with her because she cheated on me with a girl” part. You break up with hot girls when they cheat on you with someone with a fully functioning penis or they don’t have your laundry done and dinner ready on time – not when they have sex with other girls. Unless, of course, she cheated with a girl who looks like Justin Timberlake, then I can see why there would be a problem.

Debra Lafave back in her motorcycle humping days:


Update: Please spare me. Those Lafave photos are not fakes.