Cindy Crawford Had a Lot of Help

Cindy Crawford, who once claimed she owed her gorgeous face to a “miracle mixture” of ground coffee and olive oil, has now revealed that, in reality, she’s been having cosmetic surgery since she was 29. She is now 40.

I owe the quality of my skin to my cosmetic surgeon. I’m not going to lie to myself, past a certain age, creams work on the texture of your skin but, in order to restore elasticity, all I can really count on is vitamin injections, Botox and collagen.”

Yeah, so Cindy Crawford has been lying all this time. Well, so what? Her only job was to push out her chest and tilt her head so some gay dude in a cowboy hat and a scarf could take her picture. She wasn’t speaking before Congress or acting in a British period drama about unrequited love where looks don’t really matter, she was getting paid millions to be a live mannequin. I wouldn’t be surprised if she was trying to a build a time machine that moisturizes and exfoliates.

Cindy and husband, Rande Gerber, last month in Pampelonne, Southern France:
