- Lindsay Lohan flashes again [A Socialite’s Life]
- Sean Connery‘s ex-wife claims abuse [Hollywood Rag]
- Natalie Portman goes blonde (and nippy) [Egotastic]
- Angelina loves her mom [City Rag]
- Boy George is your local trash man! [D Listed]
- Kate Moss might be engaged to a crackhead [Popsugar]
- Jessica Biel and polo are an unusual combo [Hollywood Tuna]
- Nicole Richie is a fatass [Just Jared]
- The 10 Best Robot Chicken Sketches of All Time [Cracked]
- Cracked is back and Tom Cruise is a virgin [ABC News]
- Before You Die, You Read the IM (Pulse) [Pajiba]
- Nintendo Wii vs. Sony Playstation 3 – bikini battle [College Humor]