- Someone please dress Mariah Carey [Hollywood Tuna]
- Janet Jackson‘s crazy water demands [Hollywood Rag]
- We get it, Denise Richards, you’re a good mom [D Listed]
- Cavallari and Lavigne help make sucky movies suckier [Egotastic]
- Matthew McConaughey lives strong [Just Jared]
- Jennifer Lopez thought she was too good for Dallas [Popsugar]
- Becks thinks Posh is too damn skinny [A Socialite’s Life]
- You, too, can wear Tom Cruise‘s little uniform [City Rag]
- 8 Important Lessons Learned From ’80s Cartoons [Cracked]
- Sweet Baby Jesus! (Talladega Nights) [Pajiba]
- The Borat trailer is already funnier than most movies [College Humor]