Here’s our sloshed friend, Mel, on the night of his arrest at Moonshadows bar in Malibu. The furry appendage grasping the the bottle is wrapped around who I can only assume he affectionately called “Hot Pussy” and I’m guessing the other one was named “Also Not My Wife.” Mel was hammered enough to try and score a threesome out of this, but he probably stuck his hairy foot in his mouth at some point and ruined it. Mel, baby, next time remember when you’re smacking us on the ass, pulling our hair and grinding us on the dance floor, we usually prefer being called “Dirty Whore” rather than “Dirty Jew.”
Click the thumbnail for the larger image:
Update: More drunk Mel Gibson fun:
Thanks to Irene and for the picture!
Update: Kate was cool enough to send this update via email: “The National Enquirer has exclusively uncovered new details from the night Mel Gibson got arrested and the events that led up to his unraveling. The photos that have emerged of Mel Gibson from the night he was arrested show him drinking a beer and then drinking out of a water bottle. The Enquirer has exclusively learned that at one point, “Mel grabbed a bottle of vodka from behind the bar, poured himself a drink – and filled an empty water bottle with the clear booze,” said an eyewitness. “Then he started sipping out the water bottle. Everyone thought it was just water. It was straight vodka!”