Oh God, Please No!

Nicole Richie is reportedly terrified that nude pictures of her and her friends will soon be on the Internet after she lost her camera phone at the L.A. nightspot, Guy’s. While partying with Lindsay Lohan and DJ AM at the karaoke bar, Nicole realized her camera was missing and demanded that the bar immediately shut down the music, turn on the lights and search everyone on the premises. The camera was never found. A source says:

They were having fun and then suddenly she’s freaking out after she realises the camera’s gone…Nicole had been experimenting and had a memory card full of sexy nude photos of her and a lot of friends,” says a source. “They’d be embarrassed if they got out.”

I’m sure the source used the word “sexy” just to be nice, because it would take Criss Angel to make looking at nude pictures of Nicole Richie even remotely tolerable. I’m positive he’d have to hypnotize me to make me think I was a necrophilliac or I was seeing a ghost. Even then he’d have to show me pictures of a car bombing or kittens on fire to make sure I didn’t wake up with nightmares.

Nicole in L.A. earlier this month:

Note: In case you’re too macho to realize how scared you should be, Nicole is now supposedly dating Jeff Goldblum.

Source/Image Source: X17