- Mel Gibson busted for DUI [TMZ]
- Sexy Gisele Bunchen bikini candids [Hollywood Rag]
- Sexy Stephanie Seymour bikini candids [Egotastic]
- Lohan got herself yet another unoriginal tattoo [D Listed]
- Kate Moss knows the power of a nip slip [City Rag]
- Gwen Stefani lives on Promiscuity Hill [Just Jared]
- Simon Cowell is caught cheating on his girlfriend [Popsugar]
- Murphy and Menudos make a great pair [Hollywood Tuna]
- Matthey McConaughey is topless again [A Socialite’s Life]
- Vice Vice Baby (Miami Vice) [Pajiba]
- Messages From Johnny Depp‘s Voice Mail [Cracked]