Kevin Federline is Expensive

In news that will make you punch a wall, Kevin Federline charges, and is paid, $20,000 to make cameo appearances at parties. In addition to his allowance, K-Fed has reportedly earned $700,000 in the last four months, including $250,000 for endorsing clothing line Blue Marlin and $25,000 per day to promote Virgin Mobile cell phones. He is also close to signing a deal estimated to pay him $300,000 per album with Jive Records, which of course, is Britney’s label.

So, I guess I’m confused as to why people would pay K-Fed to come to their party. At every party I’ve ever been to, the white boy with cornrows and the cardboard in his trunk is never the first one to make the crowd get crunked, he’s usually the first one to seek medical attention. If K-Fed showed up at one of my parties, his fly dance moves wouldn’t even get him in the door. In fact, the half eaten Big Mac and the picture of K-Fed I gave those two homeless guys will pretty much guarantee it.

K-Fed spending time with his “other” family on July 9th:
