- Rachel Hunter and her thong bikini [Hollywood Tuna]
- Paris Hilton says one night stands are gross [Hollywood Rag]
- Hilary Swank blames substance abuse for divorce [Popsugar]
- Teri “Snatcher” Hatcher and her bikini at the beach [D Listed]
- Evangeline Lilly has airport trouble [Egotastic]
- Pam Anderson‘s back on the Rock [City Rag]
- Ice T to produce David Hasselhoff‘s new album [A Socialite’s Life]
- Justin Timberlake and Joker Face Diaz spotted in Paris [Just Jared]
- The Devil? Ha! My Ass. (The Devil Wears Prada) [Pajiba]
- 72 year old Sofia Loren to get naked for Pirelli [Save Manny]
- Mariah Carey goes on a purple food only diet [CelebNewsWire]
- Vince McMahon sings AND dances at the ’87 Slammys [College Humor]