Nate Newell, a Los Angeles fashion stylist who Lindsay Lohan hired to keep her company in New York while she promoted A Prairie Home Companion, begged for money from his friends so he could flee back to L.A. after just three days.
Nate couldn’t take her constant partying. He didn’t have the money to fly home, so concerned friends chipped in to buy him an immediate ticket out of there. Lohan was said to be so upset to have been ditched that she text-messaged some friends: “[Newell] is dead to me.” She was also saying that Newell owes her for his portion of the hotel room, plane ticket and other expenses… Lohan’s tireless publicist, Leslie Sloane Zelnik, balked at any suggestion that Lohan’s hard partying caused a rift. “Please,” said Zelnick. “Nate came to accompany her to New York on her press tour. He had a great time . . .There was no drama whatsoever.”
Lindsay publicist is also currently denying claims from Harry Judd, drummer for the British pop band, McFly, that he had sex with Lindsay after she invited him to her hotel room. Their new single, Please, Please, Lindsay, Please!, is rumored to be about his fling with Lohan.
“Then she said, ‘Kiss me.’ I was really nervous, I can tell you, because she’s so super successful and talented. I thought, ‘This is awesome…Then she invited me back to her hotel, I left at eight the next morning.'”
There comes a time when you have to start believing everything you hear about a person even if you don’t know them. If a hundred different people told you that I drown puppies, chances are you wouldn’t buy me one for my birthday. It’s hard to argue with stats like that. Just like it’s hard to argue that Lindsay Lohan is a drunken hussy who has sex with everyone she meets, because basically that’s every story you hear. If Lindsay’s publicist comes out tomorrow denying a story that Lindsay invented a time machine just so she could go back in time to blow every guy who has ever lived, you’ll know why your grandpa is still on penicillin.
Lindsay on June 20th:
4 Disturbing Theories About Kids’ Cartoons
Rugrats exists in Angelica's mind
The Nickelodeon kids' TV show Rugrats was harmless enough, right? I mean, there was that questionable shot of Tommy squirting milk at the camera in the show's intro, but other than that there was nothing sinister about it… OR WAS THERE?
A disturbing theory about the cartoon suggests that all of the characters actually exist within the mind of a schizophrenic and bipolar Angelica (which explains her volatile behaviour). According to the theory, Chuckie died along with his mother, explaining why his father, Chaz, is such a nervous wreck. Tommy was a stillborn, which is why Stu is in the basement all the time making toys for his son that never was, and the DeVilles had an abortion, but seeing as how Angelica didn't know the sex of the child, she instead imagined twins, Phil and Lil, of both genders.
Going further into the rabbit hole, the theory also suggests that Angelica's mother died from a heroin overdose, and that the woman whom her father Drew married was just a gold-digger, who Angelica had convinced herself was her real mother out of grief. Her omnipresent doll, Cynthia, whom Angelica regularly talks to in the show, is Angelica projecting her mother's personality onto an inanimate object, with the doll's patchy hair and tatty dress mimicing the appearance of her deceased drug-addled mother.
Or, y'know, it's just a show about babies.
Ed, Edd 'n' Eddy are dead
Ed, Edd 'n' Eddy was the longest-running show in Cartoon Network's history, featuring the madcap hi-jinks of the hapless trio as they continue on their quest for their one true love… jawbreakers.
However, a theory suggests that the cul-de-sac in which Ed, Edd and Eddy reside is actually a purgatory of sorts, and that all the characters who live within it have all died there at some point. The theory is that all the inhabitants of the cul-de-sac come from different time periods, but have all lived and died in the cul-de-sac. A good example of this would be Rolf, who is said to have died in the cul-de-sac during the early 20th century, thus explaining his primitive ways. This also explains the complete lack of adults in the cul-de-sac, as those in purgatory are living out an endless childhood cycle, completely unaware that they are doing so.
Or, y'know, it's just a show about kids living in a cul-de-sac.
Gengar is a Dead Clefable
Now here's a theory that we can believe; the ghost Pokemon Gengar is suggested to be a dead Clefable.
Both Gengar and Clefable were among the earliest Pokemon created, and both have notably similar body shapes and practically the same hands, feet and ears. Also, Clefable's curly hair translates to the far more devilish spiky tuft that sits atop Gengar's head.
Another theory suggests that Gengar is actually the shadow counterpart of Clefable, as Clefable is a normal-type and Gengar is a ghost-type, meaning that they are immune to each other, and you can't touch your own shadow. Also, Gengar is described in the Pokedex as "the shadow Pokemon."
Spongebob Squarepants is the result of nuclear testing
Fun Fact: Spongebob Squarepants is set underneath a real place called Bikini Atoll which, back in 1954, the government used as their location to test nuclear bombs. One bomb was let off underwater, which would've obviously greatly harmed the residents of Bikini Bottom, the underwater city in which Spongebob Squarepants lives.
The theory is that these nuclear explosions caused the residents of Bikini Bottom to become as weird looking as they are (though this still obviously doesn't explain how a sponge learns how to talk and wear trousers).