Nate Newell, a Los Angeles fashion stylist who Lindsay Lohan hired to keep her company in New York while she promoted A Prairie Home Companion, begged for money from his friends so he could flee back to L.A. after just three days.
Nate couldn’t take her constant partying. He didn’t have the money to fly home, so concerned friends chipped in to buy him an immediate ticket out of there. Lohan was said to be so upset to have been ditched that she text-messaged some friends: “[Newell] is dead to me.” She was also saying that Newell owes her for his portion of the hotel room, plane ticket and other expenses… Lohan’s tireless publicist, Leslie Sloane Zelnik, balked at any suggestion that Lohan’s hard partying caused a rift. “Please,” said Zelnick. “Nate came to accompany her to New York on her press tour. He had a great time . . .There was no drama whatsoever.”
Lindsay publicist is also currently denying claims from Harry Judd, drummer for the British pop band, McFly, that he had sex with Lindsay after she invited him to her hotel room. Their new single, Please, Please, Lindsay, Please!, is rumored to be about his fling with Lohan.
“Then she said, ‘Kiss me.’ I was really nervous, I can tell you, because she’s so super successful and talented. I thought, ‘This is awesome…Then she invited me back to her hotel, I left at eight the next morning.'”
There comes a time when you have to start believing everything you hear about a person even if you don’t know them. If a hundred different people told you that I drown puppies, chances are you wouldn’t buy me one for my birthday. It’s hard to argue with stats like that. Just like it’s hard to argue that Lindsay Lohan is a drunken hussy who has sex with everyone she meets, because basically that’s every story you hear. If Lindsay’s publicist comes out tomorrow denying a story that Lindsay invented a time machine just so she could go back in time to blow every guy who has ever lived, you’ll know why your grandpa is still on penicillin.