Tom Cruise Doesn’t Count

Despite divorcing Tom Cruise in 2001 after being married to him for 10 years, many people are wondering exactly how Kidman was allowed to marry Keith Urban in a Catholic ceremony over the weekend. The Catholic church does not condone divorce, but according to them, Kidman’s marriage to Cruise never happened. Why? Their wedding was performed by the Church of Scientology and therefore was not recognized by the Catholic faith.

The Catholic Church sets down requirements to have a valid Catholic marriage. In the case of Nicole’s first marriage, those requirements were not fulfilled,” said Father Coleman, who married Kidman and Urban.

Well, of course it wasn’t recognized. It’s Scientology. You’d have an easier time getting a Catholic marriage license if you got divorced after being married by a donkey at Chuck E. Cheese.

Kidman and Urban on their wedding day, June 25th:

Kidman and Urban at the Sydney airport on June 26th:

Kidman and Urban arriving in Tahiti for their honeymoon, June 26th:
