- Kevin Federline vows to save the penny [A Socialite’s Life]
- Eva Longoria is super bronzed [Hollywood Rag]
- Christina Aguilera looks like a French singer [Hollywood Tuna]
- Did Jennifer Love Hewitt lose her bra in the trash? [Egotastic]
- Barbra Streisand fans are pissed off [D Listed]
- Jake Gyllenhaal strikes a pose [Just Jared]
- Mariah Carey is getting crazy eye [City Rag]
- Selma Blair files for divorce [Popsugar]
- David Hasselhoff explains why he cried like a bitch [Best Week Ever]
- Two Tragedies of Comedy, Act I (Lucky Louie) [Pajiba]
- Microsoft CEO Steve Ballmer‘s onstage antics: The remix [College Humor]