- Anna Kournikova gives us a nice view [Hollywood Tuna]
- Christina Aguilera doesn’t want no other man [Hollywood Rag]
- Cristal disses hip-hop, Jay-Z disses Cristal, Cristal doesn’t care [D Listed]
- Joss Stone bikini pictures [Egotastic]
- Is Liv Tyler ruining her lips with collagen [City Rag]
- Wentworth Miller talks about season 2 Prison Break [Just Jared]
- Skinny Scary Posh Spice [Popsugar]
- What’s the state of Carmen Electra marriage [A Socialite’s Life]
- Dane Cook is a diva… ‘divo’? [Best Week Ever]
- Really bad TV ad placement [College Humor]
- Bruce Willis attacks a photographer [CelebNewsWire]
- Madonna is considering having plastic surgery [The Bosh]
- Rachel Weisz shows off her new baby [Hot Online News]
- Beyonce ambushed by PETA at Nobu [TMZ]