- Jennifer Aniston gets slinky [Hollywood Rag]
- Eva Longoria is really annoying [Egotastic]
- Jenna Elfman is crazy for Scientology [D Listed]
- Screech says he has a huge package on Howard Stern [City Rag]
- Gwen Stefani and Gavin Rossdale show off the new baby [Just Jared]
- Daryl Hannah is up a tree and arrested [A Socialite’s Life]
- Rachel Stevens bikini pictures [Hollywood Tuna]
- Brad Pitt wins dad of the year [Popsugar]
- The new trailer for the Borat movie [College Humor]
- Charlie Sheen has a new girlfriend [Best Week Ever]
- Gather Ye Rosebuds Why Ye May (A Prairie Home Companion) [Pajiba]
- Jessica Alba and her ex at the MTV Movie Awards [the bastardly]
- Nicole Kidman‘s priest reveals wedding details [The Bosh]