Jessica Alba Makes Everything Horny

Jessica Alba has told MTV that even dolphins want to have sex with her. She claims that when she was on location, filming the show Flipper, the dolphins became sexually aroused. She says:

I don’t know if anybody knows this but dolphins get excited, even when you are a human being – and they have long, long… (penises). I didn’t know this until I was being poked by a few of them, which was very rude. I think I learned my lesson. I sort of request female dolphins after that because those are horny little bastards.”

I always thought I was more of a shark kinda guy, but it looks like dolphins and I have a lot more in common than I thought. Especially when it comes to Jessica Alba. I could be thrown into a pit of cobras and I’d still just ask for a baby wipe after looking at Jessica Alba in a bikini for two minutes.

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