- Scarlett Johansson puts away the boobs [Hollywood Rag]
- Christina Aguilera‘s “Aint’ No Other Man” video [Just Jared]
- Paris Hilton‘s “music” is a nightmare [A Socialite’s Life]
- Damn, Phoebe Cates looks the same! [D Listed]
- Janice Dickinson is a slut [City Rag]
- Jessica Alba is a cupcake [Hollywood Tuna]
- Heidi Klum loves her McDonalds [Popsugar]
- Sienna Miller finally learns how to dress, in nothing [Egotastic]
- So You Think You Can Dance contestant pukes [College Humor]
- Star Trek Cribs – The Director’s Cut [G4TV]
- 6 + 6 + 6 = 18. So Fucking What? (The Omen) [Pajiba]