The Break-Up pulled in a respectable $38 million over the weekend and finished #1 ahead of box office juggernaut X-Men: The Last Stand. This is a pretty impressive feat considering it is one of the worst reviewed movies of the summer and stars Jennifer Aniston. Show of hands. How many of you have seen the trailer? Okay, now how many of you remember one thing that Aniston says? The movie willl be funny because of Vince Vaughn and the rest of the cast (John Favreau, Jason Bateman, etc.). Aniston’s success has always been relative to her cast and she always does better when she doesn’t have to carry the movie. When she does, it’s a disaster. That doesn’t mean that Jennifer Aniston is a horrible person, it just means that she’s a shitty actress. Not to worry, she’ll still find work. She has perky tits and a nice haircut. In Hollywood, that’s the equivalent of a Master’s Degree and an MCSE.
Jennifer at The Break-Up premiere in Australia on June 5th:
Jennifer and Vince at a Chicago Cubs game on May 29th:
Assassin's Creed IV: Black Flag Reveal Screens
The first screenshots of Assassin's Creed IV: Black Flag.
Street Brawl
Our new assassin, Edward Kenway, has plenty of weapons up his sleeve to take out his enemies.
Edward Kenway
Here is the new protagonist for Assassin's Creed IV: Black Flag. His name is Edward Kenway, and he's the father of Haytham Kenway, grandfather of Connor Kenway, the hero of Assassin's Creed III.
Close-Quarters Combat
It looks like you'll be jumping over to enemy boats for some hand-to-hand combat, much like was the case in Assassin's Creed III.
Jungle Platforming
Here's a look at some of the new terrain you'll be traversing in Assassin's Creed IV: Black Flag.
The High-Seas Scenery
There's no denying ACIV is a pretty game already. Just look at that whale tail. No, not that kind of whale tail. Pervert.
Naval Battles
Returning from Assassin's Creed III are the naval battles. That seemed like a given since this is a pirate-themed Assassin's Creed game.