- Jennifer Aniston is naked and she likes it [Egotastic]
- O.J. Simpson is a porn star [Hollywood Rag]
- Penelope Cruz and Matthew McConaughey split [A Socialite’s Life]
- James Brown‘s eyebrows are tattooed [City Rag]
- Angelina‘s baby’s binky is better than yours [D Listed]
- Happy birthday, Angelina [Just Jared]
- Pamela Anderson gets Hall of Fame makeover [Hollywood Tuna]
- Nicky Hilton is a drunken whore [Popsugar]
- Brandon Davis opines on matters of national importance [Cracked]
- Get Yourself Some Strange Vertebrae (The Break-Up) [Pajiba]
- The Take-a-Wish Foundation [College Humor]
- 5 good reasons to write about Tera Patrick‘s FHM cover [Best Week Ever]
- Paris Hilton’s new single is not safe for ears [Save Manny]