- Cindy Crawford pregnant again? [A Socialite’s Life]
- Kate Moss will kick your ass [Hollywood Rag]
- Star Jones sells her tacky and uncomfortable home [City Rag]
- Anna Nicole Smith finally confirms she’s pregnant [Egotastic]
- Mariah Carey is ridiculous [D Listed]
- Petra Nemcova candid photos [Hollywood Tuna]
- Jennifer Aniston‘s last break [Just Jared]
- Beyonce is set to release a new album [Popsugar]
- School of Rock trailer remix [College Humor]
- Jude Law jogs in his boxer shorts [The People We Love To Hate]
- A disturbing photo of Josie Maran [the bastardly]
- Casting call for The Real World 19 [TV with meeVee]