- Jaime Pressly takes the challenge [Hollywood Rag]
- Aniston and Vaughn‘s first photo shoot [Just Jared]
- Scarlett Johansson is totally getting a wedgie [Egotastic]
- Tom, “Kate” and still no Suri [Popsugar]
- Jessica Simpson: More candid fugliness [Hollywood Tuna]
- Dixie Chicks on Howard Stern [City Rag]
- Victoria Silvstedt is one popular woman [A Socialite’s Life]
- Jodie Foster is Slim Shady [College Humor]
- Vin Diesel shaves his head … not by choice [I’m Not Obsessed]
- Bai Ling and Kirsten Dunst bad teeth matchup [the bastardly]
- Michelle Rodriguez vows to leave the U.S. [TMZ]
- Paris Hilton slips a nip. Again. [TMZ]