Charlie Sheen is Still Kinky

Yet another person that has come forward to tell her Charlie Sheen story, and described what he was like after meeting him on

He’s about as sick as they come,” says the aspiring actress in her late 20s, who looks a schoolgirl-ish 18. “He posed as a talent scout [and] left a message that was, like, ‘Hi, this is Mr. Jonze, I’m interested in seeing more pictures of you.’ When I called him back, after a few minutes of talking, he told me who he was. We dated for about a month. He’s such a [bleep]ing perv. He would ask me to dress up, like, in pigtails and schoolgirl outfits. I don’t think he’s like a pedophile, but he’s definitely into really young girls. You know like 18, 19. I don’t doubt that everything his wife is saying now is true. He was a big talker, and once I asked him if he was this open with all his girlfriends. He said that he was. He said, ‘I like to get to know everyone, even pros.’ He calls prostitutes pros . . . He would take Viagra every time before sex, which is kind of weird.”

This is usually the part where I make fun of Charlie Sheen, but it appears the guy has a serious problem, because it really isn’t this difficult to pick up real 18 and 19 year old girls. Having your own car and two bottles of Boone’s Farm should have you two back at her dorm room at 10, and in bed by 11.

However, for two really obvious reasons, I would find no shame in chasing after 19 year olds like Keeley Hazell who has nothing to do with this story other than being 19 and extremely hot.



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