- Howard Stern thinks Brandon Davis is gross [Hollywood Rag]
- Video of Pete Doherty shooting a cameraman with his blood [D Listed]
- Keira Knightley on the set of her new movie [Just Jared]
- Lindsay Lohan is fighting with Danny Masterson, too [Egotastic]
- Things that make you go, “Eww.” [City Rag]
- Jennifer Lopez confirms she’s pregant. Eww. [A Socialite’s Life]
- Alyssa Milano is still a hottie [Hollywood Tuna]
- What happened to Jewel? [Popsugar]
- Saved By the Brokeback [College Humor]
- Eva Longoria: Not so hot [Bastardly]
- Ruben Studdard is a pimp (NSFW site) [Drunken Stepfather]
- Funny celebrity lookalikes. Check out Britney. [Save Manny]
- Demi Moore scores a new acting gig [LA.com]
- Bill Maher parodies David Blaine [Daily Sixer]
- Elisabetta Canalis in GQ (NSFW) [Gorilla Mask]