- The NFL needs to test Matt Leinart for STDs, stat! [Hollywood Rag]
- Tyra Banks is a nightmare [Hollywood Tuna]
- The Arquette family wins [City Rag]
- Ryan Phillippe and Five Fingers [Just Jared]
- Tom Cruise and Ellen star in “Two Homos Dancing” [D Listed]
- This guy kissed Lindsay Lohan‘s gross mouth [Egotastic]
- Britney‘s like so over Kabbalah [Popsugar]
- Oprah’s “Legends” Ball [A Socialite’s Life]
- Gives New Meaning to the Word “Fullbore” (Poseidon) [Pajiba]
- Comedian Ben Gleib tries to top David Blaine [College Humor]
- Becks cheated on Pig Nose Spice with her (NSFW) [Gorilla Mask]
- The Girls Next Door in Playboy (NSFW) [Daily Niner]